Monday, December 8, 2008

Two other images I created which for some reason upload blank are about pills and about measuring. Our society is reliant upon pills for everything, and pills are made to appear "beautiful" because they will take care of all the problems we have. When in reality pills can be killers.

The measuring image related to the fact that we continually measure circumstances and situation using our own "ruler." Everythings gets filtered and assessed through our own experiences and we decide whether it measures up or not.

Finally, I would like to comment on the fact that I thought the process by which we came up with our book was very effective. We went from a variety of ideas, thoughts, and concepts to the book to a simple yet effective way to present our ideas. Brainstorming ideas does help in shaping main principles and direction. I liked it how in the end all of us agreed on a direction for the book.

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